- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
live wire – gather – berlin
21 März / 20:00 - 23 März / 17:00
Ein 5Rhythmen Workshop und Rituelles Theater mit Lorca Simons und Dagmar Cee
Calling in what your Body needs to Gather
Letting out what your Heart needs to Express
Dropping down what your Mind needs to Release
Lifting up what your Soul needs to Encourage
Finding what your Spirit Finds True
Live Wire ist eine rituelle Theaterarbeit, die auf den 5Rhythms® basiert. Sie widmet sich der formverändernden Natur der physischen Kunst und ist durch die Visionen von Lorca Simons, Gabrielle Roth und der Künstlerin Martha Peabodys entstanden. Live Wire soll inspirieren, erfrischen, neu ausrichten und verbinden.
In diesem Workshop und unserer gemeinsamen Zeit werden wir in Bewegung gehen, kreative Erkundungen starten, uns in kollektivem Erzählen von Wahrheiten üben und Schönheit erschaffen.
Die Workshopsprache ist Englisch und es wird bei Bedarf übersetzt.
Shin Gi Tai Karate Do
Ohlauer Straße 5
10999 Berlin
230.- €
Lorca is an accredited 5Rhythms facilitator dedicated to the creation of physical theatre that is both interactive and transformative.
She was born and raised in Texas where she grew up in her father’s experimental theatre company Hip Pocket Theatre. As Producing Artistic Director she has been involved in the creation of original works for 50 years. A graduate of The University of North Carolina School of the Arts theatre conservatory. Educated in both experimental and traditional theatre. She has blazed through productions in New York City from Off Broadway to fringe, as well as television and film.
Lorca followed her instincts to the unique directing vibration known as Gabrielle Roth and a 19 year creative collaboration bloomed. She studied and trained with Gabrielle from the mid-90’s and was a co-founder and a co-director of 5RT, the experimental theatre wing of the 5Rhythms world, a place she stepped into with her expansive Texan feet, collaborating on numerous original productions, retreats and international workshops. In response to Gabrielle Roth’s investigation into what it means to be an authentic human being Lorca is the artistic director of Live Wire 5Rhythms Theatre which is dedicated to the creation of physical theatre that is both interactive and transformative. Live Wire labs: Breath in Motion, Roots, Electric Landscapes, Silhouette, Wing Span, Soul Threading, Gather, On The Verge and Soul Revival are rooted in a visionary and rigorous technique for people to become true “athletes of the heart“ exploring and investigating the depths of the human spirit.
Lorca offers global 1:1 sessions in the zoom wing, as well as soulful Sunday pop-ups in collaboration with international artists and dancing communities around the world.
She is committed to scattering the seeds of this transformative process.