Body Talk 2
a 5Rhythms® Waves Workshop with Dagmar Ceedancepic
A body is so much more than just a taxi for the brain. A body is a creative, spontaneous and precious instrument filled with life stories, poetry, humor and wisdom, able to talk its unique language.
Moving through the 5Rhythms we start to shift our attention from the brain to the physical – we explore how to be grounded, expressive, free, how to expand and be connected with our breath. Bodies in motion become more and more fluid. In this workshop we will discover new vocabulary; learn to listen and to feel what stories want to be turned into movement and breath. There is healing power in storytelling.
Have you ever found your feet having a dialogue with your shoulders? Or your left knee with your spine? Or has your elbow ever started a conversation with someone else’s fingers? It’s time to find out and to let your body and soul talk. Flyer
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