"Dance until the dancer disappear
and only the dance remains."
Gabrielle Roth
Here you will find information and dates of my offers of the 5Rhythms® by Gabrielle Roth. I have been teaching it since 2005 at the Waves level and since 2010 at the Heartbeat level in different countries. I also organize various teachers in Berlin and Switzerland.
The 5Rhythms® are a very dynamic movement meditation - simple as well as profound and suitable for everyone to move from the mind to more physical presence. There are no steps to learn, but the possibility to explore oneself in movement, to follow one's own impulses and to discover with each one of the rhythms a different part of the body and a different theme... For some they are a simple workout, for others a spiritual practice. You may take them as you please. You can find the "rules of the game" under "The first time".
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Don't worry - I won't flood your inbox; I usually send about 6 a year,
only on special occasions does one come 'in between'.
Enjoy browsing around the website. See you on the dance floor!