presence – basel
28 March / 19:45 - 30 March / 17:00
“Presence is the true seat of beauty.”
Presence does not just mean being physically present. Presence means being connected to every cell of the body – awake and aware, grounded and feeling, breathing everything in and out. In this way, we are alive, can respond to the current situation and allow ourselves to be touched.
The 5RhythmsTM are wonderful tools for self-exploration. The practice is as simple as it is deep. Their formless shape gives us the right balance between sufficient structure and freedom to let our bodies and hearts find their very own dance and come closer to ourselves. When the head becomes still, the body takes over and opens up a breathtaking world of experience.
+41-79-523 84 42
At least 10 Waves lessons or a weekend workshop with accredited 5Rhythms teachers.