herzwärts – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

To have a weekend for the matters of our heart: To set in motion all the emotions that lie dormant within us...

moving stillness – jason rowe & dagmar cee – prague

Taiji Academy Polská 2400/1a,, Praha, Tschechische Republik

Open evening and weekend workshop at the Waves and Heartbeat level In this workshop we create a space that connects and supports

shadow games – new year’s eve retreat

Seminar House Hollerbühl Schmalenberg 20, Dachsberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Deutschland

"To hold out your shadow to a person is to show them your light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

shadow plays – karlsruhe

Räume Linkenheimer Allee 8, Karlsruhe, Deutschland

"To hold up a person's shadow to him is to show him his light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

surrender – hanover

Companie Fredeweß Ilse-Ter-Meer-Weg 7, Hannover, Deutschland

"We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear into something bigger, something safe, in a space without critics, judges or analysts.

shadow plays – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

"To hold up a person's shadow to him is to show him his light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

live wire – gather – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

A 5Rhythms workshop and ritual theater with Lorca Simons and Dagmar Cee Calling in what your Body needs to Gather Letting out

presence – basel

Aula Primarschulhaus Dreirosen Breisacherstrasse 134, Basel, Basel

"Presence is the true seat of beauty." Presence does not just mean being physically present. Presence means being connected to every cell

melody of the heart – hollerbühl

Seminar House Hollerbühl Schmalenberg 20, Dachsberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Deutschland

A 5-day heartbeat retreat Once the body has started to move, any dormant feelings can easily be released. If we accept them

magic moments – berlin

Waldorf School - Berlin Center Weinmeisterstrasse 16, Berlin, Deutschland

The Magic of Simplicity Our annual charity Pentecost workshop with Bettina Leuckert www.bettina-leuckert.com, Dagmar Cee and guests: Miriam Spichiger (CH) https://www.5rhythms.com/teachers/Miriam+Spichiger, Michael