courage – hanover

Companie Fredeweß Ilse-Ter-Meer-Weg 7, Hannover, Deutschland

A Waves and Heartbeat Workshop Expressing our longings, desires and passions means opening our heart and showing it in all its vulnerability.

trust – poznan

Time Creator Studio Ścinawska 19 Poznań 60-178, Poznań, Polen

"Trust is an oasis in the heart that is never reached by the caravan of thought." Khalil Gibran Trust is something that

herzwärts – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

To have a weekend for the matters of our heart: To set in motion all the emotions that lie dormant within us...

moving stillness – jason rowe & dagmar cee – prague

Taiji Academy Polská 2400/1a,, Praha, Tschechische Republik

Open evening and weekend workshop at the Waves and Heartbeat level In this workshop we create a space that connects and supports

shadow games – new year’s eve retreat

Seminar House Hollerbühl Schmalenberg 20, Dachsberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Deutschland

"To hold out your shadow to a person is to show them your light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

shadow plays – karlsruhe

Räume Linkenheimer Allee 8, Karlsruhe, Deutschland

"To hold up a person's shadow to him is to show him his light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

surrender – hanover

Companie Fredeweß Ilse-Ter-Meer-Weg 7, Hannover, Deutschland

"We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear into something bigger, something safe, in a space without critics, judges or analysts.

shadow plays – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

"To hold up a person's shadow to him is to show him his light." C.G. Jung If our energy doesn't flow and

live wire – gather – berlin

Shin Gi Tai Kai Karate Do Ohlauer Str. 5,, Berlin, Deutschland

A 5Rhythms workshop and ritual theater with Lorca Simons and Dagmar Cee Calling in what your Body needs to Gather Letting out

presence – basel

Aula Primarschulhaus Dreirosen Breisacherstrasse 134, Basel, Basel

"Presence is the true seat of beauty." Presence does not just mean being physically present. Presence means being connected to every cell